
Base Map Rollout (EN)

Выдержка из оригинальной справки. (NDL Gamebryo 1.1)
The "Base" texture map roughly corresponds to the "Diffuse Color" maps in the other Max shaders. It will be effected and colorized by its diffuse color and by the other material maps or vertex colors added to the shader.
An alpha channel in your Base Map will make Gamebyo use that alpha as an opacity channel for alpha blending. Other wise, the "Alpha" setting on the Gamebryo Material Rollout will set the transparency for the entire image on a range of 0(transparent) to 1(opaque). To ignore all transparency considerations, specify "Transparency" as "None" in the Gamebryo Shader.
Supported Texture Map Types
The following image file types are natively supported in Gamebryo:
Other image types, including JPG are only supported as internal to the nif or as external nif textures.