
FFE original Help from 4.2 (en)

Копипаста оригинальной справки по настройкам Экспорта ФФЕ модуля.
Добавлена для полноты картины и на случай, если были какие-то неточности в переводе описаний.
Фактически применима и для ТЕС экспортера, который, как было показано, является модификацией оригинального плагина экспорта от разработчиков движка.
Описание взято от 4.2 версии плагина! В 4.0 присутствуют не все опции.

MaxImmerse Export Options Dialog Box
You can export your 3D Studio Max scene for use with the NetImmerse engine by selecting NetImmerse (.NIF) in the File –>Export dialog.
Once you select a filename, you will be presented with the following options dialog.
Note: Once OK is clicked, these options are saved as Extra-Data on the root node of the Max scene-graph. This helps to ensure that future exports will us the correct settings. The Max file is not automatically saved in the process of export, so it will be necessary to save the Max file in order to fully preserve the export options. The Extra-Data is deleted at export time from the NetImmerse version of the root node to save memory.
Export Options Sub-panel
Cameras: Check this box if you want to export the cameras in the scene.
Lights: Check this box if you want to export the lights in the scene. Note that if you have not explicitly created any lights in your scene, Max automatically creates a set of two direct lights. MaxImmerse also exports the Max Ambient light as specified under the Rendering–>Environment–>Global Lighting options. If the Lights checkbox is unchecked, none of these lights will be exported. Also, please see “Dynamic Lighting in MaxImmerse–>How MaxImmerse Exports Dynamic Lights” for more information.
Vertex Weights: Check this box if you want to export the Weight parameter as specified under the Edit Mesh modifier’s Surface Properties rollout for the Vertex sub-object. Vertex weights are exported as NiVertWeightsExtraData. Vertex weights are only needed for certain types of dynamic meshes. This option should not be enabled unless you specifically know that such dynamic meshes are being used.
Unused UV channels: Max sometimes exports texture coordinate (UV) mapping channels that are not being used by any texture map. This occurs particularly on collapsed meshes, or meshes textured with Multi/Sub-Object materials. Occasionally, you may want these unused UV mapping channels, for example if you export with missing texture maps, but still want to export the texture coordinates for these missing maps. Check this box if you want to export the unused UV channels.
Animation Options Sub-panel
Time: If this box is checked, animations are set to use the APP_TIME animation type. If this box is unchecked, they will use APP_INIT. You will want to leave this box checked (the default) unless a programmer requests that you export with APP_INIT. APP_INIT animations must be started explicitly.
Use existing Biped keyframes instead of sampled keyframes: Character Studio uses TCB keys for Biped animation, but unfortunately it doesn’t allow exporting any of the TCB parameters. Because of this, MaxImmerse exports the keyframes as Bezier keys. If this box is checked, MaxImmerse will export Bezier keys only at times for which there are Biped animation keys in Character Studio. If this box is unchecked, MaxImmerse will sample the Biped animation at a rate of one key per frame per bone. Redundant keyframes are removed, but this process can generate a large number of keyframes. In general, you should check this option, because it's more efficient, unless you can notice poor animation conversion quality, in which case you should uncheck this option. Usually, Footstep animation looks incorrect if you check this option, but Freeform animation looks fine.
Include in NIF/Extract to one KF file/Extract to separate KF sequences: Use “Include in NIF” unless you want to extract animations for the Keyframe Manager Tool. If you select “Extract to one KF file”, all keyframe controllers will be saved separately from the main NIF in a file called filename.extracted.kf, where filename is the name you chose in the Save As… dialog. If you select “Extract to separate KF sequences”, each defined sequence will be saved separately from the main NIF in files called filename.sequencename.kf, where filename is the name you chose in the Save As… dialog, and sequencename is the name of the sequence. See Exporting and Extracting with the Keyframe Manager Tool for information on how to define sequences.
Textures Options Sub-panel
Textures: MaxImmerse allows you to either save your textures internally in the main NIF file, save your textures separately in NIF format, or use the original source images. For faster load times and better performance in the application, you will want to select one of the first two options. Also, if you select one of the first two options, the Image Format options are available.
Image Format Options Sub-panel
Image Format – Platform: The exported textures, internal or separate, are formatted for the selected platform. If you select “Any”, the textures are saved in a platform independent format.
Image Format – Image File Subdirectory: Allows you to specify a subfolder in which to save the texture NIFs. This folder will be created as a subfolder of the directory you selected for the main NIF if it does not already exist. This option is only available if you are saving NIF textures separately from the main NIF.
Image Format – Default Content Quality: The exported textures, internal or separate, are formatted in the selected quality.
Image Format – Override Per-Texture Settings: The exported textures, internal or separate, are formatted in the selected quality rather than the content-quality set on the individual maps.
Platform Specific Options Sub-panel
Platform: MaxImmerse allows you to select which target platform you wish to export for. This will allow specific optimizations with images and data to be performed at export time. In some cases, such as skinning, it is necessary to choose this option to get correctly set up hardware skinning.
Stripify Options: (это только для версии 4.2 в 4.0 этого нету!)
All platforms get HUGE performance benefits from stripping the triangles. However, different algorithms produce optimal triangle strips. The platform should match what your target platform is. In the case of PC’s, there are three options based on your target PC’s graphics hardware.
Image File Subdirectory: When exporting external texture nifs, it is possible to select a subdirectory to save all texture nifs.
Default Content Quality: When exporting with external texture nifs or internal textures, it is possible to select the default content quality for the textures. This will allow the user to downsample larger texture formats into smaller texture formats.
Override Per-Texture Settings: When using the default content quality options, options set in the NiShader for texture format type will not be overridden by default. Therefore, if the user wishes to override these settings, checking this box is required.