
Texturing Details(EN)


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NiTexturingProperty specifies the primary and secondary images to be used for texture mapping onto NiGeometry objects. These properties establish how the texture mapped onto a surface is to be modulated by the final vertex colors, the way the textures are filtered as they are applied, how they are clamped/wrapped to the surface, and, for mipmapping on the PlayStation2, whick L and K values to use. See the System Details manuals on Texturing for much greater detail on the usage of this property.
Texturing Details
For detailed documentation on the use of texturing and multi-texturing, please see the Gamebryo texturing documentation.
Texture Clamping Modes
The table below lists the four texture clamping modes that are supported by Gamebryo and their corresponding behaviors. Specific renderers may or may not be able to support a specific texture-clamping mode--see the Texturing document for details. Note that all clamping modes are declared in the scope of NiTexturingProperty, and the names must be qualified as such.
Clamping Mode
Causes edge-replication to infinity in both dimensions.
Causes edge-replication to infinity in the horizontal texture direction, and infinite tiling in the vertical texture direction.
Causes edge-replication to infinity in the vertical texture direction, and infinite tiling in the horizontal texture direction.
Causes infinite tiling of texture in both dimensions.
Texture Apply Modes
The table below lists the five texture-apply modes that are supported by Gamebryo and their corresponding equations. Specific renderers may or may not be able to support a specific apply mode -- see the Texturing document for details.
Note that all apply modes are declared in the scope of NiTexturingProperty, and the names must be qualified as such.
Apply Mode
Color & Alpha: Common Application
CR = CT, AR = AT: Basic texturing without any dynamic or static vertex-based lighting.
CR = CT * AT + CV * (1-AT), AR = AV: Decal or bullet-hole textures on a base untextured surface.
CR = CT * CV, AR = AT * AV: Texture and final vertex colors and alpha values are multiplied component-by-component. In predecessors of Gamebryo, this mode was known as APPLY_MULTALPHA.
This mode is a PS2-only mode that maps directly to the PS2 hardware mode of the same name.
This mode is a PS2-only mode that maps directly to the PS2 hardware mode of the same name.
Texture Filter Modes
Gamebryo supports the following texture filter modes, although specific renderers may or may not be able to support all of them in all texture modes. See the Texturing document for details.
Note that all filter modes are declared in the scope of NiTexturingProperty, and the names must be qualified as such.
Filter Mode
Uses nearest texel, with no mipmapping.
Uses linear interpolation with no mipmapping.
Linearly interpolates between the eight texels (the 4 closest texels on each of the two closest mipmap levels).
Selects nearest mipmap level, then uses nearest texel on that level.
Selects nearest texel on each of the two nearest mipmap levels and linearly interpolates between them.
Selects nearest mipmap level, then linearly interpolates on it.

Из MaxImmerse файла справки.
Multi-Texturing in MaxImmerse: An Introduction
At a high level, multi-texturing is the use of more than one texture simultaneously on the same set of polygons. By combining the multiple textures in different ways, subtle or striking effects can be created. These effects will be described below and include (but are not limited to) pseudo-lighting effects, slide and movie projector effects, specular highlights, reflective and glossy surfaces, shadows, and overlaid details.
There are two basic forms of multi-textures in MaxImmerse—static multi-textures and dynamic multi-textures. An easy way to understand the difference between the two is by a simple physical analogy. Static multi-textures represent surface properties of the objects to which they are attached, while dynamic multi-textures represent spatial phenomena such as the reflected environment, or a shaft of light coming from a window in the scene.
The basic technical distinction between the two classes is equally simple. Static multi-textures are attached as a rendering property to a group of objects, and are mapped using texture coordinates defined in those objects. Dynamic multi-textures are applied to a set of objects via a light-like scoping mechanism and are mapped to the geometry via dynamically generated texture coordinates that are computed inside the low-level render.
NetImmerse supports several different types of multi-textured effects within each of the two categories. They are summarized in the tables below, and each will be explained later. Keep in mind that the two types can be used together or independently.
Examples of supported static multi-texture effects
Base texture
The basic appearance of the surface of diffusively reflective object
Dark map
A representation of the diffuse lighting on an object
Decal map(s)
Decals laid upon the surface of an object, such as skid marks or bullet marks
Detail map
A high-frequency texture that alleviates the blurriness of objects seen close up
Gloss map
A fine-scale representation of the shininess of the object – used to attenuate an environment map
Glow map
A representation of the emissiveness of the object surface – used to create the impress of glowing lights on the surface of the object
Examples of supported dynamic multi-texture effects
Light map(s)
Complex lighting effects such as spot lights and slide projectors
Shadow map(s)
Darkening effects, such as moving shadows cast on a wall
Environment map
Mirror-like reflections of the local environment seen from shiny objects