
Animation Questions (en)

 Выдержка из оригинальной справки. (NDL Gamebryo 1.1)
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Q: The base mesh of my Morph isn't correct
A: This symptom is most likely due to the fact that the base mesh of a morph is exported as the first frame of animation on the time slider. Make sure the first frame matches your base geometry, and all should be well. It is also recommended that you use the Morph modifier instead of the Morph compound object, as it is slightly less flaky.
Q: I'm using a Morpher and the materials aren't properly exporting
A: Gamebryo does not support morphed objects with a multi-sub material applied. A multi-sub in Gamebryo actually splits the object into multiple pieces and this destroys any morph vertex assignments. Multiple mapping coordinates are fine, but only one material may be used per morphing object.
Q: My particle system uses transparency and it disappears from certain positions.
A: Large particle systems that read and write the z-buffer are the most common cause of this symptom. Most particle systems should add "zMode10" to their User-Defined Properties, which will help eliminate this issue. Other situations might need programmer intervention. They might need to make the particle in the scene 'Always draw' so it does not clip out of view at unexpected angles.
Q: Sometimes, Animations look different in Gamebryo than in Max, why does this happen?
A: There are subtle differences between how Max shows time and how Gamebryo shows time. Through Max's interface you see time based on frames, while Gamebryo displays time continuously, it interpolates between frames. That way, if your getting 20 fps or 60 fps, you still see the same result based on the global time, not your frame rate.
The problem comes when you are viewing animations in Max where movement takes a single frame. Max only renders "Frames" at whatever frame rate you specify. Gamebryo will render as fast as it can, sampling the animation curves at the current application time. Since Gamebryo renders much faster, you see the animation as it actually is.
Q: Sometimes I do not export out all of the animations
A: In some cases, Gamebryo must sample the animations because the keyframes are either an unsupported type or unavailable to the exporter. The exporter then tries to find the time frame to sample against. In some cases, as with Character Studio, this is not accurately reported. In this case, we use the presence of note track keys to indicate the start and stop times for sampling.