Выдержка из оригинальной справки. (NDL Gamebryo 1.1)
NiAutoNormalParticles have been removed from the engine (as has NiAutoNormalParticlesData). The NGC and PS2 renderers did not support diffuse or specular lighting on particles, and lighting of NiAutoNormalParticles was visually problematic. Existing NIF files containing NiAutoNormalParticles objects will be loaded automatically by converting the NiAutoNormalParticles objects to NiParticles.
Particles and Normals
The Gamebryo renderers no longer support per-particle normals. The normal array passed into this object should be NULL. Even if normals are provided, they will not be used. Some renderers automatically generate a normal for each particle at the time the particle is rendered. This auto-generated normal is always set to face the camera, just like the quad that represents the particle.