
Atlas Creator

Morrowind Texture Atlas Creator
Created by: Fomad
Last updated
03 December 2019 1:48AM
A tool to create texture atlases for Morrowind. Also updates meshes to reference the new atlas.
Достаточно свежая утилита позволяющая упаковывать в текстурные атласы любые текстуры.
Также, умеет обновлять модели.
В теории, может давать прирост фпс.
На практике, может повышать замыленность, или зашумленность текстур на дальних уровнях.

Если вы любите Перфекционизм и оптимизации моделей - маст хейв!
Если не очень чтите поликаунт и прочее - можно взглянуть и убрать на полочку.
Но в целом, весьма интересная и могущая быть полезной утилита.

Upon loading, you will be asked to choose your Data Files directory, so navigate to your Morrowind install and select that Data Files directory.
The next step will be clicking that 'Scan Directory' button in the top right and then choose the directory containing the meshes you want to create an atlas for.  I recommend choosing something small like the 'n' directory to start.  Or, you can now choose presets, that should load up a bunch of related meshes in one click.
Sit back and wait for all the meshes to load (can take a couple minutes, especially if you don't select a sub-directory).
Wait a little more for some user interface setup (the program probably did not hang despite appearances).
Now select from the meshes on the left which ones you would like to use.  You can type a search pattern into the little box to narrow things down.
As you choose meshes, you will notice the texture list changing, only textures that are used in the selected meshes will be displayed.
Once you have chosen your meshes, now choose which textures you want to use.  If a texture is red, you probably don't want to use that one, so far the only texture I have made red is tx_rope_heavy.
You can also choose textures first if that is your style.
Once you are happy with your selection, click 'Create Texture'....