

Еще одна древняя (2003) консольная утилита для работы с БСА файлами.
Особых примечаний нет. Разве что, на фоне БСА экстракторов проку в ней мало(С)

Копипаста оригинального ридми.
First off
This tool you hold in your hands enables you to list
and extract the content of Bethesda Softworks Archives, or BSA files.
Now you may wonder why you would need to do that. Well, you tell me.
Feedback is appreciated at the address provided below.
Yes, it requires the Framework of .Net version 1.0.
Download it from the url provided below.
How to wield this tool
Type 'bsareader' at the command line and you will get
the following list of options:
-bsa:<filename>          Provide the name of the BSA file to process. This one is required.
-basedir:<path>          This is the place where extracted files will be stored.
               Defaults to .\BSA. Any path specified will be created if they don't exist.
-listfiles          List path and name of all files stored in the archive.
-extract:<filename>     Full path and filename or filename only, as listed WITHIN the BSA file.
-extractall          (undocumented feature)
A couple of examples, perhaps?
To list the names of all files in morrowind.bsa, type
the following standing in the "Morrowind\Data Files" folder:
     bsareader -bsa:morrowind.bsa -listfiles
To extract the misc_silverware_bowl icon, type:
     bsareader -bsa:morrowind.bsa -extract:icons\m\misc_silverware_bowl.dds
or, since there is only one misc_silverware_bowl:
     bsareader -bsa:morrowind.bsa -extract:misc_silverware_bowl.dds
It is worth noting that there have been a lot of discussions going
on over at the Official Forums regarding treatment of these BSA files.
Do a search on 'BSA' and behold the writings. The greatest concerns
is regarding creation of new BSA files and with that goes modification
of existing ones.
Therefore, as things stand now, the Reader of BSA Files will only have
the power to Read. For now. Writing to BSA files may not be the most critical
need of the Morrowind Modding Community.
Still, with that said I believe that Bethesda, almighty creator
of the Elder Scrolls series, would do a good thing if they not withheld
information regarding the last pieces needed to create _anything_ in Morrowind.
After all, Morrowind is created to be a modifiable game.
Final words. I believe there are other similar Readers of BSA files out there.
I had a hard time finding the mentioned tools so I decided to write my own.
So enjoy the Reader of BSA files.
Yours faithfully,
Splender of the Ashlands