
Bump Map Rollout (EN)

Выдержка из оригинальной справки. (NDL Gamebryo 1.1)
The "Bump" map field is selectively supported. It works as a bump map in 3dsmax and has a specular effect. The texture required needs to be either an r,g,b map, with or without an alpha channel, or a grayscale map. The alpha channel acts as the gloss map and tends to override any gloss maps in place. Typically, anything in the map that is white will be high and anything black will be low, with all heights of gray in the middle. Unlike other features in Gamebryo, the bump map spinner controls are supported and currently go from 1–100 to control the magnitude of the bump. Similar to the gloss map mentioned in the next section, you will need an environment map to view it.