No need to restart Morrowind every time!
You can modify a NIF in Nifskope, and instantly see new result ingame!
So this tool allows Morrowind to reload the targeted NIF file every time you save it in Nifskope.
It is an MWSE script made by Greatness7
0. Install MWSE for Morrowind
2. Put "main.lua" file in Morrowind\Data Files\MWSE\mods\LiveMeshEdit folder
3. Open "main.lua" file with text editor(notepad).
you'll see:
-- user variables
local mesh = "my_mesh_collection\\test.nif"
-- internal variables
local path = lfs.currentdir() .. "\\data files\\meshes\\"
Example : the NIF you're editing is located in "C:\Games\Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes\my_mesh_collection\test.nif"
3. Set the location of the NIF file you want to edit, by just rewriting the local mesh value: the "red text part", than save main.lua
Take care to use double "\\" for folders.
4. Launch Morrowind. If you press 'x', the script will spawn the NIF in front of you, so you can quickly start 'sculpting it' (works once per Morrowind launch)
If the NIF you located is used by the game (for example a weapon, a creature, spell, or object), it will be also refreshed!
example : targeted NIF is a weapon: If you re-draw the weapon it will be reloaded with the new NIF model
example : targeted NIF is a magic effect: If you re-cast the spell it will be reloaded with the new NIF model
example : targeted NIF is a creature: If you re-spawn the creature, it will be reloaded with the new NIF model
example : targeted NIF is a world object : If you re-enter the cell where the object is placed, it will be reloaded with the new NIF model
note: similar editing is possible in OpenMW too thanks to Wazabear
Package of this OpenMW dev4.8 fork version is in Attached Files
With this version, all NIFs used by Morrowind will be reloaded ingame when you save over it in Nifskope.