

Набор консольных утилит от одного автора, включает в себя пакет для создания подземелий и локаций нескольких типов.
Каждый, по видимости, за хардкоден в файлы генератора.
Исходные коды, прилагаются.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5281 - CavGen 3 = КейвГен, генератор пещер, да.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5266 - DWTGEN1 = Двемер, генератор двемерских корридоров.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5213 - DWEGEN2 = Двемер2. Вероятно не только корридоров.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5270 - SotGen 1 = СотаСильск к генерации готов!
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5275 - BLUGEN1 = Морнхолд внезапно, локации в синеватом Морнхолдском стиле.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5247 - DaeGen 4 = Даэдрика, что логично.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5221 - PREGEN1 = Предаторз... эм.. преСотаСильск. Видимо те коридоры из внешних сводов.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5232  - STRGEN2 = Стронгхолд Данмерский стиль к генерации готов!
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5237 - COMGEN1 = Плоский Комнатный Стиль. Flat common.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5208 - IMPGEN7 = Империка.
http://mw.modhistory.com/download-95-5211 - OMGEN2 = ОлдМорнхолд. Возможно, что та канализации, что под Новым.
Не путать с GENMODом!

This is a random dungeon generator written in C. It generates
cave dungeons for Morrowind. Source code is included. The output is a bit
monotonous but I've released it anyway just to show that cave auto-generation
is possible without having to make new meshes & NIFs.
This is a command line (DOS) (windows console) program. There is no
gui. To use this program, it is assumed that you have a fair grasp of DOS
and are fairly comfortable with the Morrowind mod editor (TESCS).
Quick "I hate reading manuals" usage of CavGen
Make a new directory. Put all the files in there. Don't forget
espjoin.exe and txt2esp4.exe (separate downloads)! Open a DOS and cd to that
directory. Type
cavgen3 my_dungeon 3 "My Dungeon"
After it runs, type
After that runs, switch to explorer (or your favorite file manager)
and copy my_dungeon.esp to the data files directory off of Morrowind. Load
it up in the editor and add doors connecting one of the cave dungeon cells
and the outside world. Save it. Exit the editor. Run Morrowind. Activate
the plugin. Play.
Now the longer more detailed information, for those not in quite as
much of a hurry.
Whats New
Version three adds the -l and -sl command line options, for vertical
multi-level dungeons. A new command has been added to the INI file parser;
the "delete-temps" command causes the temp files to be deleted when the bat
file is run.
Installing CavGen
Make a new directory. Unzip all files to that directory. If you
haven't downloaded txt2esp4 and espjoin, go get them. Put them in the same
directory with cavgen. Open a DOS whenever you want to use cavgen. Note, if
you have ImpGen, DaeGen, DweGen or Om_Gen already, you might want to keep the
cavgen files in that same directory. ImpGen, DaeGen, DweGen, OM_gen, and
cavgen use separate INI files so there will be no INI file name collision.
The source for all the *gen programs all use a file called hacks.h but the
file is identical so don't worry about this file name collision when you unzip
the files.