
Max5 how to create Darkmaps (EN)

 Выдержка из оригинальной справки. (NDL Gamebryo 1.1)
 Using the Max5 Render to Texture feature to create Darkmaps
Once an artist achieves good scene lighting in 3ds max 5 (whether via Radiosity, normal lighting with shadows, or even using the Light Tracer), the next step is to get that information "baked" into the objects so it can be used at runtime in Gamebryo. At this point, 3ds max 5's "Render to Texture" feature becomes useful. The following steps will enable you use the Render-to-texture feature:
1)       Create/Load your scene and place lights. Use whatever method desired to achieve the desired lighting. The approach may be as simple as using omni lights with shadows, or as complex as a Radiosity solution.
2)       Open the new 'Render to texture' dialog in Max under the 'Rendering' menu.
3)       Set the 'File Output Path' to a reasonable directory (likely the same directory as the model). Make sure you have the 'Automatic Unwrap Mapping' turned on and that the default map channel is one you have not already used. (It is set to Channel 3 by default)
4)       Under the 'Selected Object Settings', add a 'LightingMap'; this step will render the lighting and the shadows to a texture. Set the map size to whatever works best for the dataset (256x256 is likely a valid initial value). If you are not creating a lighting effect, add whatever type of map you need.
5)       Gamebryo will export the resulting baked shell material. The baked material seen in the viewport is the one that will be used. The render/viewport toggle will not affect the output Gamebryo material.
Use a viewer to look at the result, or export to a .NIF file. Repeat these steps until you achieve your desired look. You can also delete the shell material and manually load your lightmaps into the Darkmap slot of the Gamebryo shader to keep things more organized and simple.