

Расширитель возможностей МВ.
 AutoMW is an automation toolkit , for the purpose of adding new functionality to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.  It is written in AutoIt3, a popular Windows automation scripting language.
Требует его, МВСЕ 0.9 и AutoIt3. Т.е. сторонний софт.
Сам по себе, добавляет некоторое кол-во новых плюшек, через перехват инструкций работающей игры.
Имеет свой собственный лаунчер и конфигуратор.
- позволяет настроить систему автосохранений по времени и, например, при входе\выходе из локаций.
- назначить кнопки для блокировки ударов.
- управлять скоростью времени во время боя.
- запускает МВ-энчатер и МВСЕ (старой версии!)
Требует сторонний софт!
Доп модули под АвтоМВ.
форум: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1203380-relz-automw-improved-morrowind-enhanced-new-autosave-system-and-more/
курс молодого бойца: https://sites.google.com/site/automorrowind/home/quickstart-guide
FAQ: https://sites.google.com/site/automorrowind/home/faq
Official Site: https://sites.google.com/site/automorrowind/
К сожалению, в РУ-нете совсем не известен.
Впрочем, есть мнение полагать, что новая версия МВСЕ вполне сможет превзойти эту утилиту!

Install Instructions (VERY IMPORTANT):
You MUST have the following installed:
*AutoIT3, an automation / scripting engine for Windows. (Why do I have to install AutoIT3?) You can grab AutoIT3 right here. (Choose Full Install, and use ALL DEFAULT OPTIONS. VERY IMPORTANT ALL CAPS.).
*MWSE (either the MWSE Launcher or MGE Internal)
*Morrowind Enhanced v1.6 (older versions unsupported). Not a requirement, but very recommended as Auto-Trance requires it.
To install, just unzip the package anywhere on your computer. Launch AutoMW.exe and you're good to go! A short tutorial will help you set up AutoMW on the first launch.
AutoMW utilizes a plugin-like modules system you can use to write new modules for AutoMW! If you're interested in developing a module for AutoMW, head to the Module Authoring page of the website.
Personal Note
This is the biggest thing I've probably ever worked on, so please, tell me what you think. It's my way of giving back to a community that has given me so much over the years. I welcome all bug reports, complaints, and gripes :)
Hrnchamd: For fantastic testing, and MCP / MGE XE / legible fonts.
Aerelorn: For Morrowind Enhanced!
NZdawghaus: For the Splash Resource Pack.
GhanBuriGhan, Yacoby, melian, et al.: For writing "Morrowind Scripting for Dummies" (this book is targeted at my demographic)
Yacoby (again): For "Scripting With MWSE". The pipe example was unbelievably helpful.
Have fun!

General Questions
What is AutoMW?
    AutoMW is an automation toolkit written by me, Chesko, for the purpose of adding new functionality to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.  It is written in AutoIt3, a popular Windows automation scripting language.
What does it do?
    AutoMW adds new features to Morrowind in the form of Modules. Right now, three modules are included with the install package: Auto-Trance, Auto-Quicksave, and Auto-Play.  It also provides a convenient Launcher, for access to popular utilities like Morrowind Graphics Extender, or your mod manager of choice (like Mopy).
How does it work?
    AutoMW works by manipulating Morrowind and other utilities from the outside.  It essentially acts on behalf of the user; pushes buttons, interacts with windows, etc.  For instance, Auto-Quicksave works by pushing the player's Quicksave button automatically, at pre-defined times and events (every x minutes, every time I change cells, etc).  However, it can do things that the user cannot, such as manipulate the Trance slider from MWE without Morrowind ever losing focus on the screen. This leads to things like Trance taking on many different functions depending on the player's actions.
    AutoMW can listen for data from Morrowind scripts via a pipe (provided by MWSE).  However, sending data from AutoMW to Morrowind has proven rather difficult and unreliable.  When that gets figured out, I'll update this page.
What does it require to run?
    You must have AutoIt3 installed. Download it here. Choose "Full Installation".  AutoMW was developed and tested on AutoIT3 v3.3.6.1.
    You must use Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE). Download it here.  Or, use the one internal to Morrowind Graphics Extender (make sure it's enabled).
    If you want to use Morrowind Enhanced (optional), you must use Morrowind Enhanced v1.6. Earlier versions have not been tested, are not supported, and probably won't work.
    Other than that, as long as your computer can run Morrowind, you can run AutoMW.  It is also highly suggested you use Morrowind Enhanced v1.6 to take advantage of the new combat features provided by Auto-Trance.
Are there any incompatibilities?
    AutoMW is incompatible with ACE_Subtitles, a mod that adds subtitles when Morrowind Enhanced combos are performed.  Disable this mod if you want Auto-Trance to work.
    Or, if you're comfortable editing scripts and would like to fix the problem:
    Open up ACE_Subtitles in the construction set (or MWEdit), locate the script that it runs, find this line:
        set MWE_LastCombo to 0
    and comment it out.  Voila! Now both should work fine.
I have to install AutoIt? Why?
    It's an annoyance, I know. However, for multiple reasons, it is unfeasible to offer AutoMW any other way.
    AutoIt scripts can be compiled into executable .exe files that do not require an installation of AutoIt3 to run.  If I had done that, AutoMW would never grow, and you'd just have to trust me that my application is safe. However, I decided I wanted to distribute AutoMW uncompiled and open source. This opens up the possibility for the modding community to write modules for AutoMW, and allows anyone to review the source code of both AutoMW core files and user-created modules as they are written.
    AutoIt is (despite what others may tell you) a powerful scripting and programming language, and with that comes the possibility of malicious code. My first concern is user safety, and it's my hope that by keeping things open for review, malicious code masquerading as a AutoMW module will be called out and stop being distributed well before it has a chance to harm someone's PC. And yes, there is an "AutoMW.exe" file distributed with the package. I did that to give the user a familiar point of entry into the program, as clicking on an .au3 file might be confusing.  The truth is, you don't have to use it! Just grab AutoMW.au3 from the "AutoMW Data Files" directory, put it where the .exe is (one folder above "AutoMW Data FIles"), and use that instead. It's the same thing.
    I hope the benefits and features provided by AutoMW overshadows the inconvenience of installing AutoIt.
What programs and utilities are managed by AutoMW?
    AutoMW will automatically start the following utilities along with Morrowind at launch time (if configured):
    Morrowind Enhanced v1.6 (older versions unsupported)
    Morrowind FPS Optimizer
    As of this writing, the only utility that AutoMW will configure at launch time is Morrowind Enhanced. Other utilities must be configured ahead of time.
    An option is available in the Config to use MGE's internal version of MWSE instead of the standalone application.
    Along with these, AutoMW's Launcher has buttons that can be configured as shortcuts to Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE or MGE XE) and a Mod Manager (i.e. Mopy).